What Is Sustainable Aviation?

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Environmental, economic, and societal developments for sustainable aviation studied by CSA.


What is Sustainable Aviation?

Sustainability can be broadly defined by the United Nations Brundtland Commission/Agenda 21, which indicates, "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."  Across the aviation sector, this definition suggests the need for aviation systems that meet environmental, economic, and societal development goals.

Adapted from Epstein and O'Flarity (2019)
Adapted from Epstein and O'Flarity (2019)


Why is Sustainable Aviation Challenging?

Aircraft operations require far more power and energy than any other transportation sector, making civil aviation difficult to decarbonize.  However, approaches to the ambitious challenges are currently being addressed in the research of the Center for Sustainable Aviation.  These developments are actively being matured for future air transportation markets.

CSA philosophy on sustainable aviation developments.
CSA philosophy on sustainable aviation developments.


What's Next?

Aviation exists within a broader scope of transportation.  To make this sector sustainable, future developments must be based on core sustainability goals set by the industry, the outcome of which are assessed once aircraft are in service.  CSA seeks to understand viable pathways for sustainability in aviation power and energy, aircraft design, transportation engineering, aviation operations, and life cycle impacts.

CSA 5 pillars of sustainable aviation engineering.
CSA 5 pillars of sustainable aviation engineering.


CSA Philosophy

The Center for Sustainable Aviation seeks to establish viable, sustainable solutions to the aviation sector by meeting the requirements across 5 pillars of environmental, economic, engineering, policy, and social considerations.  These developments require active engagement and investment from academic, industry, and government partnerships.